Pegmatite Field camp
one credit
Not offered in 2015 |
The pegmatite field and the Harney Peak Granite in the Black Hills, South Dakota are one most important and studied pegmatite provinces in the world. A wealth of scientific investigations have advanced the understanding of igneous evolution from melt origins on a large regional scale to cooling phenomenon in the case of mega-crystal formation in mineralogically differentiated (zoned) pegmatites. This two week course is designed to introduce the student to historical and contemporary models of granitic pegmatite formation through the understanding of field observation by mapping, sampling, learned laboratory skills and lectures.
Prerequisites: Physical Geology and Mineralogy or consent of Instructor.
Tentative Syllabus: Provide a basic understanding of the historical and contemporary definitions and characteristics of granitic pegmatites. Review Black Hills geology as related to pegmatite formation. This will involve understanding the evolution of the Harney Peak Granite and its metasedimentary hosts. Apply the definitions of pegmatite geology and mineralogy to the different types of pegmatites in the Black Hills – simple, layered, and zoned. Study pegmatite mineralogy. Students will learn skills necessary to identify the primary phases of pegmatite minerals using classical descriptive mineralogy and lab techniques.
· Crystal chemistry of the primary phases of pegmatites will be introduced. Students will sketch, map and sample several zoned pegmatites. Field work will be formalized and verified with identification of samples Using the accumulative knowledge learned from lectures, field and lab work, the students will attempt to answer the most pressing questions of pegmatite geology and provide at least one of their own.
Physical Demands: Appropriate physical self-conditioning will be necessary to adapt to elevations above 5,000 ft, rugged terrain and dry to humid sunny days and hikes of 1 to 3 miles.
Facilities : All students may stay in the dormitories of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in Rapid City. A cafeteria, snack bar, and laundry facilities are available.
Climate: Cool and rainy days possible near 70 F are expected; although days and nights may dip to 50 F.
Textbooks: Students may choose to purchase these textbooks but are not mandatory. Notes will be provided.
Field Equipment: A small backpack capable of holding many pounds of rocks, Hammer(s), a 5lb mallet (optional but very handy), Field book , Hand lens, Brunton compass, Protractor, rulers & scales, Refillable water bottles, Extra fine point pens, sharpies, colored pencil, Field clipboard (with cover), Sheet protectors, Basic first-aid kit.
Field clothing: In addition to ordinary field clothes for 2 weeks (rugged pants, shirts, shorts), please bring Rain Gear, Light weight jacket, Hiking boots, Good field socks, Hat, Safety glasses, Hand gloves, Sunscreen, Sunglasses, Good Hiking Books |
Location: The beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota Cost: $1,495.00 (includes all tuition and fees, transportation from Rapid City, room and board). Deposit of $200.00 must be received by or before February 1, 2015. |
For additional information, please follow the links or Contact:
Dr. Nuri Uzunlar, Director, BHNSFS Phone (605) 394 - 2494 Cell: (605) 431 1275 e-mail nuri.uzunlar@sdsmt.edu |